مدونة او مذكرة

"Medical Aid Team That Never Leave"

"Medical Aid Team That Never Leave"

Higher maternal and infant mortality rates are a "common problem" in backward countries. Due to the restriction of medical conditions, most pregnant women in backward countries face huge risks in...

"Medical Aid Team That Never Leave"

Higher maternal and infant mortality rates are a "common problem" in backward countries. Due to the restriction of medical conditions, most pregnant women in backward countries face huge risks in...

Application of Thyroid Ultrasound

Application of Thyroid Ultrasound

Ultrasonography is generally the first choice and the most sensitive imaging modality for diagnosing intrathyroid lesions. Because of its superficial location, the thyroid gland is ideally suited for high-frequency sonography (using 7-13 MHz transducer) which...

Application of Thyroid Ultrasound

Ultrasonography is generally the first choice and the most sensitive imaging modality for diagnosing intrathyroid lesions. Because of its superficial location, the thyroid gland is ideally suited for high-frequency sonography (using 7-13 MHz transducer) which...

Customer’s feedback

Customer’s feedback

    Customers and companies are mutually successful. When I saw a conversation between our salesperson and the customer, my experience of this sentence became more specific.  This is a...

Customer’s feedback

    Customers and companies are mutually successful. When I saw a conversation between our salesperson and the customer, my experience of this sentence became more specific.  This is a...

Regrettable Little Girl

Regrettable Little Girl

    Yesterday afternoon, we received a diagnosis case of ultrasound product DW-L5 from a Somali customer. What makes me very distressed is that the patient is a 10-year-old girl...

Regrettable Little Girl

    Yesterday afternoon, we received a diagnosis case of ultrasound product DW-L5 from a Somali customer. What makes me very distressed is that the patient is a 10-year-old girl...

Bulk order is ready for shipping

الطلب بالجملة جاهز للشحن

أداة تشخيص الموجات فوق الصوتية دوبلر الملونة - DW-T8 معروضة للبيع! ! الذي يدمج تقنيات التصوير المتعددة ، وتدفق العمليات الذكية ، والتطبيقات السريرية الغنية.

الطلب بالجملة جاهز للشحن

أداة تشخيص الموجات فوق الصوتية دوبلر الملونة - DW-T8 معروضة للبيع! ! الذي يدمج تقنيات التصوير المتعددة ، وتدفق العمليات الذكية ، والتطبيقات السريرية الغنية.

Under the Circumstances of Backward Economic Conditions, Where Should the Obstetric Examination Go?

في ظل ظروف الظروف الاقتصادية المتخلفة ، أين يذه...

ستركز هذه المقالة على جمهورية مدغشقر. في الصورة قابلة تقوم بإجراء فحوصات ما قبل الولادة لامرأة حامل. ولكن هناك ، كم عدد النساء الحوامل اللواتي يمكنهن إجراء اختبار شامل قبل...

في ظل ظروف الظروف الاقتصادية المتخلفة ، أين يذه...

ستركز هذه المقالة على جمهورية مدغشقر. في الصورة قابلة تقوم بإجراء فحوصات ما قبل الولادة لامرأة حامل. ولكن هناك ، كم عدد النساء الحوامل اللواتي يمكنهن إجراء اختبار شامل قبل...