Introduction about DR

Introduction about DR

DR is short for Digital Radiography, glad to share you more information according to our knowledge.

Digital X-ray is a modern method of radiation diagnostics, in which the X-ray image is processed digitally.

With a number of advantages, digital radiography is gradually replacing analog radiography in all areas of medicine. More and more hospitals are acquiring this innovation. Not to mention private medical centers, many of which have been updating their analog equipment for a long time.

It should be noted that this method is successfully used in medicine.

Method principle

 First of all, fundamental changes affected the principle of image fixation. Instead of fixing images on materials with a photosensitive coating (X-ray film, paper), the digital method generates a radiographic image in electronic form.

As a rule, this is achieved with the help of DR-systems, when the image is recorded digitally with the help of transducers and detectors and displayed on a computer monitor. Compared to X-ray film and other materials, modern flat-panel detectors have a significantly better sensitivity, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the exposure time and radiation dose, as well as to make a very high quality image.


What are the advantages of the technique?

The digital x-ray image is obtained almost instantly and is of high quality!

The resolution and information content of such an image is much higher than that of X-ray film images, which in turn increases the accuracy of diagnosis.

The possibilities of computer image processing are very wide and convenient: you can scale it, if necessary, consider small details or the overall picture, rotate, mirror for a better understanding of the detected processes, change brightness, contrast and other parameters.

Digital radiography differs from film radiography in low radiation exposure to the patient and the radiologist (the radiation dose is 10 times less than conventional X-ray). This is one of the key advantages why the use of digital x-ray machines is preferable to analog ones. After all, one of the oldest principles of medical ethics is “Primum non nocere” - “Do no harm”

A significant reduction in exposure time reduces the examination time to 30 seconds per image, improving the throughput of the X-ray room, which in turn leads not only to an improvement in the quality of patient care, but also increases income, especially commercial.

The advantages of digital radiography are impressive:

1.Instant x-ray imaging

2.Better quality and information content of the x-ray image

3.Possibility of computer processing of images

4.Higher diagnostic accuracy

5.Higher speed of X-ray examinations

6.Less radiation dose to patient and doctor

7.Increasing the throughput of the X-ray room

8.Easy to store and transfer digital pictures

9.Save on consumables


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